Advisory CONTACT: James Adams (202) 536-7880
August 29, 2012
D.C. Residents Reject Romney at Mock Nominating Convention
Voters demand economy that works for the 99%, End to Outsourcing, Healthcare Cuts and Corporate Tax Breaks
WASHINGTON, D.C.—As Mitt Romney accepts the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, low-wage workers, seniors, community activists, students and faith leaders will roundly reject the “Romney Economy.” Delegations will march with state banners representing the “state” of affairs for middle-class families in a Romney economy. Speakers will include area workers who have just returned from protesting the “Romney Economy” at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.
Led by a band, the delegations will carry state banners with slogans such as “No 1% tax cuts.” Delegation leaders will deliver “No Romney Economy” speeches in front of the Reeves Center. The demonstration is part of a nationwide movement rejecting “Mr. 1%.” Workers will speak out against the elements of the “Romney Economy” that are dangerous to the working and middle class: outsourcing, tax breaks for the rich coupled with tax hikes for the middle class, and cuts to education and healthcare funding.
WHAT: “No Romney Economy” Nominating Convention
WHEN: 9 p.m., Aug. 30, 2012
WHERE: Malcolm X Park, 15th and Euclid Streets, NW
March to Reeves Center,14th and U Streets, NW
9:30 p.m., “No Romney Economy” Nomination Speeches in front of Reeves Center
These voters want an increase to the federal minimum wage, an end to tax breaks for the rich and corporations, a renewed focus on creating good American jobs instead of layoffs and outsourcing for profit, and a Congress committed to representing all Americans, not just the 1%.
Several Spanish-speaking workers will be available for interviews.
Contact: James Adams – 202.536.7880
Twitter @thisisourdc