Republicans are giving a deaf ear to our voices. During the election we rejected tax breaks for the rich and the Romney – Ryan budget cuts. Today conservatives refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy and they continue to target services that hurt children, seniors, unemployed, working families, people with disabilities and destroy millions of jobs in fiscal cliff talks.
House Speaker John Boehner wants $600 billion in cuts from Medicare and Medicaid. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell calls for raising the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 67.
Join us, we can’t let that happen. We will gather at the Capital on Tuesday December 18 at 10:30am, OurDC will stand shoulder to shoulder with District residents to host and join hundreds of everyday Americans from across the east coast to tell congress “HELL NO”, we want jobs not cuts. Between one and two thousand are expected.
From cities across the country, unemployed workers and activists will travel to the DC to take direct action and let these politicians that we want an economy and a nation that works for everyone, not just the richest 1%.
We’ve changed the debate now it’s time to force the right action. Sign up and join your neighbors.