Huffington Post
The event was the kickoff for a new organizing initiative called Good Jobs Nation, a project that I have been working on with a coalition of faith, community and labor organizations. There was a report released by Demos, which documented that the federal government through its government contracts is the nation’s biggest creator of jobs paying less than $24,000 a year… Read More
We Can’t Survive on $8.25
OurDC Supports the Fast for Immigration Reform
In the News
These business owners want a higher minimum wage
From CBS News Washington, DC (CBS) - In the battle over the minimum wage, low-wage workers are getting a helping hand from corporate America. Dozens of executives and business owners are meeting with members of Congress Wednesday and Thursday, urging them …
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The Minimum Wage Fight Is A Fight For Women
By Isaiah J. Poole, Crooks and Liars As the White House releases a report that documents the impact raising the minimum wage would have on women, women in low-wage jobs march to the Capitol. Several dozen female low-wage workers and …
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These business owners want a higher minimum wage
From CBS Washington, DC (CBS) - In the battle over the minimum wage, low-wage workers are getting a helping hand from corporate America. Dozens of executives and business owners are meeting with members of Congress Wednesday and Thursday, urging them to …
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Advocates on bus tour push for minimum wage hike
By Jason Whong, Star Gazette Activists spoke about economic inequality and advocated for an increase in the federal minimum wage in rallies Wednesday outside the offices of U.S. congressional representatives in Corning and Binghamton. The 11-state “Give America A Raise” …
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Poor Working Mothers, Children Scheduled to March for Minimum Wage Hike
By Zachary Lester, Afro News Tena Weedon’s daughter, Jeanae, an aspiring school principal, received scholarships to pay for all but $2,000 per year of her tuition to Spelman College. However, even covering the balance is difficult for Weedon. As a …
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To Afford Rent, D.C.’s Minimum Wage Earners Must Work 137 Hours Per Week
By Chris Chester, WAMU Minimum wage-earners in the D.C. area continue to face an uphill battle for housing, needing to work the equivalent of about three full-time jobs to make rent on a two-bedroom home in D.C., Maryland and Virginia …
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D.C.’s young newcomers could swing the mayoral election, but only if they tune in
By Robert Samuels, Washington Post Serving patrons along the U-shaped dining counter, waitress Reb Abell swirls amidst the afternoon sounds of a new Washington. To her left, the clacking keyboard of a telecommuter racing to meet his deadline. To her …
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For low-wage workers, a full-time job doesn’t always mean escaping poverty
By Katie McDonough, “There’s just no way, making $9 an hour as a single parent with two children, that I can live without assistance” More than 25 percent of low-wage workers are single mothers, but with the minimum wage stalled at …
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That’s an Order!
By Teresa Tritch, New York Times Making good on a promise from his recent State of the Union address, President Obama signed an executive order on Wednesday to ensure that employees of federal contractors are paid at least $10.10 an …
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Obama Delivers on SOTU Promise to Federal Contractors
From NBC News
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