Low wage federal contract workers called on President Obama May 8th, 2013 to use his executive authority to issue a Good Jobs Executive Order to make sure government business partners provide decent wages, benefits and working conditions. A new DEMOS study finds that U.S. taxpayers fund more low wage workers than Walmart and McDonald’s combined.
Scores of D.C. area low-wage workers employed in firms operating under federal contracts, loans and leases joined members of Congress, community leaders and local elected officials to announce the launch of Good Jobs Nation—a new organization of low-wage workers joining together for a living wage and a voice on the job. Thousands of D.C. area workers including cafeteria workers and janitors in federal buildings, food-service workers, workers sewing military uniforms, are affected by federally supported low wages.
Good Jobs Nation launches just weeks after strikes in New York City and Chicago by low-wage workers at major fast-food and retail chains including Walmart and McDonalds. Join the movement by following us on Facebook and on Twitter @our_DC.