For Immediate Release CONTACT: James Adams (202) 536-7880
August 30, 2012
In A “Romney Economy” No Millionaire Is Left Behind. What about the Rest of Us?
Hundreds of voter’s rally and demand economy that works for the 99%
WASHINGTON, D.C. —Protesters at the “No Romney Economy Nominating” rally had a clear message for Mitt Romney: Stop outsourcing jobs, stop tax breaks for the rich coupled with take hikes for the middle class, and stop cuts to education and healthcare funding.
“I’d love to be a mother but how can I bring a child into this world when I can’t even afford to take care of myself because of Romney’s Bain Capital practices? I’ve been paid just over minimum wage for 12 years; I live what Romney’s already done for this economy. He knows nothing about real American or family values,” says minimum-wage worker Mihuret Gebru.
Delegations of workers representing the true state of the middle class responded to Mitt Romney’s nomination speech. “Mitt Romney minces lots of words tonight to try and convince us that he’s for workers and the middle class,” Nema Vaughn of Southeast Washington said. “But what he won’t say is that he believes in an economy that gives the rich more at the expense of poor people like me. I’m tired of the ’trickle down’ shell game. Corporations make record profits as they cut hours, lay off people, and pay me minimum wage.”
Tonight’s “No Romney Economy Convention” features workers from across the Washington, D.C., area. A band, patriotic singing and strong messages from residents who fear being left even further behind in a Romney economy highlight the rally at the Reeve’s Center.
WHAT: “No Romney Economy” Nominating Convention
WHEN: 9 p.m. March from Meridian Hill Park, 15th and Chapin Streets, NW
9:30 p.m. Reeve’s Center, 14th and U Streets, NW
Nationwide, members of the 99% rejected a Romney Economy, welcoming home protesters from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. These voters want: an increase to the federal minimum wage, an end to tax breaks for the rich and corporations, a renewed focus on creating good American jobs instead of layoffs and outsourcing for profit, and a Congress committed to representing all Americans, not just the 1%.