Press Conference will highlight struggles of minimum wage families as Wells shops for groceries guided by a minimum wage mother of two
WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a press conference outside a Safeway grocery store Dec. 11, low-wage workers will join business leaders and advocates to call for passage of the Working Families Ballot Initiative to raise the minimum wage to $12.50 an hour. Councilman Tommy Wells will begin to endure the hardships of living on a minimum wage salary for seven days to raise wages and awareness for thousands of the District’s lowest worst-paid workers.
“This week, I have committed to gaining more perspective on the day-to-day struggles of low-wage workers in the District by living on minimum wage, which is currently $8.25/hour,” Wells said. “Raising the minimum wage to $12.50 an hour by 2017 is not just the right thing for thousands of working poor, it’s the right thing for our economy.”
“It’s been very difficult to live on minimum wage and every week—given my wages—I am forced to make some tough budget decisions to keep a roof over my head. I couldn’t make it without government help and that’s not right,” said District minimum-wage worker Shemethia Butler. “I appreciate these efforts of Councilman Wells to highlight some of the issues I deal with every day.”
Using a budget calculator for a couple with no children who is living on minimum wage, Wells will spend the week going to work, planning a budget, shopping for groceries, dining, enjoying hobbies , and figuring out how to budget his transportation costs and other costs. Wells’ experiences will be documented through regular updates on twitter #livethewage, and the OurDC webpage.
What: Minimum Wage Challenge press conference and grocery shopping trip with minimum wage mother and Councilman Tommy Wells.
Where and When: NOON, Wednesday, Dec. 11 at Safeway, 1100 Fourth St., SW, Washington, D.C.
Who: Low-wage workers, Councilman Wells, DC Working Families, Business leaders, Community supporters and Coalition to Raise the Wage.